Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Patent oppositions filed in
India and Korea, Republic of

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Patent Information

Information of patent applications filed at local or international levels, that are contributed by the users of PODB as being relevant to this medicine

Please note that PODB does not provide and guarantee the comprehensive patent landscape in all countries.

*For more knowledge of patent search, please refer to the tutorial Step 2: Patent Search & Analysis
*For more information of the patent landscape on medicines, please also refer to WHO patent landscape reports, UNITAID patent landscape reports, Medicines Patent Pool Patent Status Database

Patent Applications

The table includes information of patent applications as filed in different countries, that are contributed by PODB users as being seen as relevant to this medicine.

CountryFiling datePriority dateApplicantNational numberInternational numberStatusPatent typeMore info
India19-10-2007WYETH LLC.8081/DELNP/2007WO/2006/110381GrantedCompositionsView/Comment
India23-06-2008GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A.2533/KOLNP/2008WO/2007/071786WithdrawnCompositionsView/Comment
India23-06-2008GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A.2533/KOLNP/2008WO/2007/071786WithdrawnCompositionsView/Comment
India18-03-2015WYETH LLC.2182/DELNP/2015WO/2006/110381Under ExaminationCompositionsView/Comment
India18-03-2015WYETH LLC.2183/DELNP/2015WO/2006/110381Under ExaminationCompositionsView/Comment
India20-11-2012WYETH LLC.10072/DELNP/2012WO/2011/151760Under ExaminationDosagesView/Comment
India27-07-2012Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.6666/CHENP/2012WO/2011/100151WithdrawnCompositionsView/Comment
India27-07-2012Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.6666/CHENP/2012WO/2011/100151WithdrawnCompositionsView/Comment

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Information related to relevant oppositions from around the world.

Patent Oppositions

The table includes oppositions aimed at contesting patents covering this drug. Note that at the country level, several patent applications can cover the same drug.

Please pay attention not only to the patent opposition, but also to the patent application it relates to, see column "Related Patent Application". To better identify similarities, the column "Patent Type" indicates a general classification of the patent. Arguments used to contest a specific type of patent may apply for another that fits in the same category.

CountryDateWho FiledOpposition typeOpposition statusPatent typeRelated patent applicationMore info
India11-03-2016Panacea Biotech Ltd.Pre-GrantRefusedCompositions8081/DELNP/2007View/Comment
India08-11-2016Panacea Biotech LimitedPre-GrantUnder ExaminationCompositions10072/DELNP/2012View/Comment
Korea, Republic of25-04-2017Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)OtherUnder ExaminationCompositionsKR1298053View/Comment
India06-12-2012Merck, Novartis, Crucell Holand, Dr.Franz-Josef and StrawmanPost-GrantUnder ExaminationCompositionsEP 1868645View/Comment
India11-03-2016Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)Pre-GrantRefusedCompositions8081/DELNP/2007View/Comment
Korea, Republic of06-02-2018Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)OtherUnder petition CompositionsKR1298053View/Comment
India20-08-2018Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)Post-GrantUnder ExaminationCompositions8081/DELNP/2007View/Comment
India08-11-2016Panacea Biotech Ltd.Pre-GrantApplicant Withdrew the ApplicationCompositions2533/KOLNP/2008View/Comment
India16-10-2019Biological E LimitedPre-GrantUnder ExaminationCompositions2182/DELNP/2015View/Comment
India06-11-2019Biological E LimitedPre-GrantUnder ExaminationCompositions2183/DELNP/2015View/Comment
India08-11-2016Panacea Biotech LimitedPre-GrantUnder ExaminationDosages10072/DELNP/2012View/Comment
India02-05-2014Panacea Biotech Ltd.Pre-GrantApplication Abandoned under section 21(1)Compositions6666/CHENP/2012View/Comment

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Patent Office Decisions

This table showcases the final ruling of patent offices over cases where patents have been opposed.

To better identify the case, the number of the patent application is provided in the table below.

Decision typeCountryDatePatent officeRelated patent applicationMore info

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